Strong Wills, Women, and Wolves Pack Chat
Preface: The formatting in this blog post is a cry for help. If you are interested in writing, blogging, editing, formatting, and or technology in general please reach out we need your skills!
The Recap: On Thursday 8/4, twenty-ish of us met for our now-monthly wolfpack chat. With Tracy Kraft as this month’s self professed 'casual host' at her woodsy home in Waccabuc, NY. We gathered on the living room couches and floor cushions, lounging with cheeses, crackers, and flatbread and a surplus of sparkling drinks and wine.
Using our consumer power was something we all agreed on an important focus. We also learned about the Peekskill Recycling plant which turns out to be further doing more than members expected.
We talked about our individual accomplishments and upcoming events – warmly supporting
each other in those endeavors – and planned how we could assist each other as a pack in
reaching those goals (check out our Wolfpack Shares below). Organic discussions also
included climate change, waste facilities, environment-effective use of our wallets, recyclable
vs. recycled, waste reduction, plastic alternatives, environment-friendly brands, and the next
Pack Chats are a great way to say hello and make some new friends. If you’d like to attend a
Pack Chat or event, check out

Thanks to Leslie Burton-Lopez for authoring the recap.
Wolfpack Shares
Marianne Shearer
I spoke about:
The Community Center of Northern Westchester (in Katonah) that provides food, including farm-fresh produce, and donated clothes to low-income clients from the surrounding area.
In addition they run two stores, one that sells hand-made items made by the Center's clients and high end second hand clothing that has been donated to the Community Center. It provides much-needed resources to a vulnerable population and it is a fabulous place to volunteer. I also talked about Sugar Hill Farm on Harris Road where I volunteer to help grow food that is donated to the Community Center.
Lucy Krupenye
I spoke about:
My upcoming exhibitions at the Hammond Museum in North Salem, NY
Event Details:
“Artistic Legacies”
August 27th - November 5th.
Opening Reception Saturday September 17, 2-4pm.
Tracy Kraft
I spoke about:
Determined that we should aim for a recurring monthly PackChat.
Sharing brands with each other that support the environment, so we can use our consumer power. I gave out Who Gives a Crap Toilet paper
I wish I had the chance to share this with the group: There is a quote I love that says something like "pay attention to how you feel after spending time with people' being around these women lifted me up. Also- I need opinions for an immersive theater project research. Take the survey.
Veronique Pittman
I spoke about: Waste & Recycling Taskforce for www.Bedford2030.orgI will be hosting a meetup for folks to discuss waste & recycling issues and goals for the area.
Join the taskforce. Low commitment level, some emails and virtual meetings, w 1-2 in-person meetings at CourtHouse in Bedford Hills (but you can join virtually if needed)
I wish I had the chance to share this with the group: How much I love the wolfpack analogy!
Martha Handler
I spoke about: Looking for help planning a wolf conservation center fundraiser for 12/2 -thinking out of the box, something fun and different. Also want to organize a sports equipment giveaway through Bedford 2030 and Katonah Community Center
I wish I had the chance to share this with the group: How touched I am that the WWP is resonating and growing!
Leslie Burton-Lopez
I spoke about: My Pants (Leslie was wearing her first pair of self made incredible pair of pants that sparked a lot of excitement and we all want the pattern)
I wish I had the chance to share this with the group: That my wife and I opted for compostable bamboo plates for our wedding :) Let me know if there is anything I can help with marketing-wise! The formatting in this blog post is a cry for help. If you are interested in writing, blogging, editing, formatting, please reach out we need your skills!
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